The Redefined Rundown

Post-Holiday Reflections

Read time: 5 minutes

Finding Warmth in the Winter: A Message of Hope and Healing

Happy Tuesday - this will be a quick one!

As the festive lights dim and the holiday season winds down, it's a time of complex emotions for many of us. I hope this message finds you wrapped in the warmth of love, even if the holidays have been challenging. In this Redefined Rundown, we focus on embracing those experiencing a sense of loss or facing personal challenges. Whether the season has brought joy, sorrow, or a mix of both – especially for those missing someone dear or navigating the complexities of life – we're here with an open heart and a message of empathy.

For those who might be new here, let me introduce myself. I'm Demi Austin Thomas, your guide and confidante on this exhilarating path. I am a Family Dynamics Coach, a former TV correspondent, and a passionate speaker.

My life's mission? To navigate you through the beautiful yet complex world of modern relationships. Are you ready to redefine, reconnect, and reignite the spark in your life? I wasn’t ready either, but let’s go!

Finding Warmth in the Winter: A Message of Hope and Healing

Holidays can illuminate our losses and struggles, but they also remind us of our resilience and the power of hope. Here are a few thoughts to help you find comfort and strength:

  1. Honor Your Feelings: It’s okay to feel a whole spectrum of emotions. Embrace them, for they are part of your beautiful, complex journey.

  2. Cherish the Memories: Hold onto the precious moments you've shared with those you miss. They continue to live on in the stories, laughter and love you carry in your heart.

  3. Lean Into Your Community: Remember, you are not alone. Whether it’s friends, family, or supportive groups, there’s a world of understanding and compassion around you.

  4. Find Solace in Self-Care: Be kind to yourself. A quiet walk, a favorite book, or a moment of meditation can be a balm for your soul.

  5. Look Forward with Hope: The future holds new beginnings and opportunities for joy. Trust that brighter days are ahead.

  6. Honoring the True Reason: Amidst all the celebrations, may we always remember and honor the reason for the season – a message of unconditional love and hope brought by Jesus.

Redefining Resolutions

Every year, as we draw close to the end of the year, the word “resolution” starts making the rounds. Listen, I’ve set many resolutions only to enter into the new year and forget about those resolutions by February. This new year has to be different.

Redefining resolutions, especially with only six days left in 2023, means shifting from traditional, often unrealistic goals to more sustainable, meaningful practices. Here are some ways to approach this:

  • Focus on Small, Consistent Actions: Rather than grand resolutions, aim for smaller, manageable actions that can be integrated into daily life.

  • Emphasize Personal Growth: Set resolutions prioritizing self-improvement and personal development over external achievements.

  • Seek Balance, Not Perfection: Aim for a balanced approach to goals, understanding that perfection is unattainable and unnecessary.

  • Prioritize Well-being: Resolutions should enhance your overall well-being, whether mental, physical, or emotional health.

  • Adopt a Flexible Mindset: Be open to adjusting your resolutions as circumstances change.

  • Cultivate Mindfulness and Gratitude: Include practices that foster a sense of present-moment awareness and appreciation for what you already have.

  • Set Realistic Timeframes: Instead of year-long goals, consider shorter timeframes like monthly or quarterly goals, which are easier to manage and adjust.

As we count down the final days of 2023, let's redefine our approach to resolutions, focusing on meaningful, sustainable changes rather than overwhelming, often abandoned goals.'

A Toast to Your Courage and Resilience

Listen, you are a beacon of strength and courage. Your ability to navigate through life's ups and downs is nothing short of remarkable. As we move forward, let's carry the light of hope and the promise of new, redefined beginning.

I’m sending you all my love and positive vibes. Here's to healing, growing, and finding joy in the journey ahead.

Hearts and Sparkles,

Demi 💖 


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