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The Redefined Rundown
Ignite Your Week: Love Insights, Style Vibes, and Empowering Chats
Read time: 8 minutes
Oh! Em! Gee!
It’s Tuesday!!
Tuesdays are for Tacos and everything you missed over the weekend and Mondays. I won’t hit you with anything too deep because girllll it’s Tuesday. In this edition, we are giving you a rundown of what’s going on relationship-wise, some marriage matters tips, and a little of Regulate and Elevate.
Now, for those who might be new here, let me re-introduce myself. I'm Demi Austin Thomas, your guide and confidante on this redefining path of growth and self-discovery. I am a Family Dynamics Coach, a former TV correspondent, and a passionate transformation speaker.
My life's mission? To navigate you through the beautiful yet complex world of modern relationships. Are you ready to redefine, reconnect, and reignite the spark in your life? I wasn’t ready either, but let’s go!
It's another beautiful day to celebrate and nurture your relationship. Here's your curated roundup of today's top news and tips for couples.
Whew Chiillleeeee, That's Wild!
The Year of the Breakup: What’s Going on in 2023?" - Why this matters: It's a reminder that even couples with access and resources do NOT have perfect relationships and have their struggles. 😞Whew……chile….
New Dating Trends in 2023: Virtual Reality Take the Lead." - Our perspective: Technology is redefining how we connect and find love - We not even gonna speak on Tinders new subscription plan…….at $500 per month - that’s wild!
Breakthrough in Relationship Therapy: AI Coaches. - Deep dive: It's fascinating how AI is becoming a part of our intimate lives. Can you believe it??!!!
Marriage Matters
5 Tips for Harmonizing Personal and Shared Goals in Relationships
Honest Chats Are Everything: Let's talk about it sis! The first step to balancing your goals with your boo's is to have those honest & deep talks. Share your dreams, listen to theirs, and make a pact to validate and support each other no matter what.
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: Sit down with your partner and make a game plan. What are your big dreams? What are theirs? Find that sweet spot where your aspirations meet and make those dreams a reality together.
Play to Your Strengths: You've got some killer skills and so does your partner. Use them! Maybe you're a budgeting queen and they're a creative genius. Combine those powers to build a life that’s as fabulous as you both are. It’s all about COLLABORATION!
Keep Your Spark Alive: Don't lose yourself in the relationship mix. Keep doing you, and encourage your partner to do the same. It's all about growing together without losing your individual awesomeness and super power!
Regular Reality Checks: Relationships change, and so do goals. Have those regular check-ins to ensure you're still on the same page. Adjust, adapt, and keep moving forward, together and individually.
Remember, loves, balancing personal and shared goals is all about open hearts, open minds, and a whole lot of love and respect. Go get 'em! 💖✨
Regulate and Elevate
Hey, y'all, did you catch the Dec 7, 2023, episode of 'Regulate and Elevate with Sherra Danielle'? If not, honey, you missed a treat! Sherra, our fabulous plus-size fashion influencer, dished on everything from rocking self-love to the power of social media in shaping our body positivity. She got real about faith's role in our life's journey, both personally and professionally. And girl, the holiday tips? From charcuterie board magic to festive prep, she covered it all! Plus, she dropped some dating gems too. The takeaway? Embracing who we are, standing firm in our beliefs, and always pushing forward.
Open-Mindedness in Relationships: Sherra Danielle emphasizes the importance of keeping an open mind when it comes to relationships. She shares a personal anecdote about giving a chance to someone who didn't initially seem like her type, leading to a meaningful connection.
Setting Relationship Expectations: It's crucial to be clear about what you want in a relationship. Danielle stresses the importance of not settling and having honest conversations about your expectations and goals.
Self-Love and Body Positivity: For plus-size women, finding self-love and comfort in one's body is vital. Danielle advises finding something you love about yourself and using it as a source of confidence, whether it's through fashion or other means.
Consistency for Mental Wellness: Finding something consistent that brings joy or comfort can be crucial, especially during tough times. Danielle mentions the significance of faith and regular church attendance as a stabilizing factor in her life.
The Power of Affirmation and Choice: The conversation concludes with an empowering message about the importance of making choices that are right for you and relying on self-affirmation rather than seeking validation from others. Trusting in a higher plan and focusing on the positive aspects of life can lead to personal growth and happiness.
Weekly Relationship Challenge & Relationship Truth
This week I want to encourage you and your spouse to, try writing a feeling letter to each other.
This was a helpful and simple tool that me and Jay stumbled across, during one the most difficult seasons in our marriage- especially when I came home and told Jay that I didn’t want to be married to him anymore a few years ago. Yep! I sure did. It was a tough pill to swallow, but I didn’t know how to communicate my unhappiness in our marriage-so we avoided talking about our issues, and we took each other for granted and we didn’t do a good job at communicating our feelings, our needs and showing appreciation for one another.
Writing those letters became our therapy, our lifeline to help us communicate our honest feelings, and being intentional about how we appreciated each other with our words.
It wasn't an instant fix, mind you. But over time, those letters became a bridge over troubled waters, connecting us in ways we'd forgotten were possible. They helped us rebuild, reconnect and reset our relationship.
So here's my gentle nudge to you and your partner this week: try the feeling letter. Let your emotions flow, unfiltered and authentic. Share your highs and lows, your dreams, express your feelings. concerns and appreciation, and hopes for the future. Rediscover the power of words to heal, connect, and build a love that stands resilient in the face of life's adversity & sudden moving pieces. It's a timeless way to deepen your connection & bond.
Belts, Bangles, and Buckles
This has got to be the most amazing outfit I've worn in the last couple of weeks! There may be slight changes in the picture from what I wore, but the main piece is the vest! I picked red, but this can go with just about any color you want to pair it with. Check it out and click the picture for links to shop!
Relationship Quote of the Day

Hearts and Sparkles,